Call for participants

za 17 feb en zo 25 feb
za 17 feb 2024
zo 25 feb 2024

For a new performance choreographer and visual artist Eilit Marom is looking for 8 performers from the local community of the Hague area to join the creation process and perform in the work I NEVER WANNA DANCE AGAIN on 31st March and 1-2 April 2024 at Het Nationale Theater Zaal3 in The Hague. Interested people are invited to apply and join the introduction workshops on 17th and 25th February 2024.

The work presents a collective journey of fragmented yet reflective and humorous take on the inheritance of human imperfection. It tests the limits of expression through the act of singing along to the songs we can’t resist, and aims to unfold the paradoxical judicious balance between perfection and imperfection. The work is developed with a hybrid group of  participants; trained performers and performers from the local community, creating a multi-perspectives performance on the theme. 

For who?

People with interest in physical and vocal performance, with love for songs and singing, age 18-85, from any background or experience are welcome to apply. You need to be available on these dates:

Introduction workshops: 

  • Saturday 17th + Sunday 25th February 2024
  • 14:00-16:00 at Zaal 3 stage 

Creation process:

  • Saturdays 2, 9, 16, 23 March 2024
  • 13:00-16:00 at Helicopter Studios

Stage rehearsals:

  • Monday 25th + Wednesday 27th March 2024
  • 19:00 - 21:30 at Zaal3

Performances (at Zaal 3) on: 

  • 31st March 12:00-18:00
  • 1+2 April 16:00-21:30


Interested? Have questions? Please send your name, phone number and email to: LIMITED SPOTS apply before 10th February 2024.