Experimenting with Artistic Feedback

Annika Hilger
ENTER Festival
do 20 jun - 19:15 - 20:45
do 20 jun
19:15 - 20:45
  • do 20 jun
    19:15 - 20:45
    Theater aan het Spui
    Spui Etalage

In this workshop, Annika Hilger, a dramaturg and MA International Dramaturgy graduate, invites artists and audiences to find their own way with feedback as part of an artistic process. By reimagining feedback as a care-full and help-full process, we will share our experiences with giving and receiving feedback, explore alternative perspectives, try out tools and methods, and create our own.

Worker and education

Annika Hilger : MA International Dramaturgy, UvA

This workshop invites participants to explore the nuances of feedback within artistic processes, its challenges and possibilities. Drawing from their experiences as a dramaturg, their studies, and IPOP's Queer Feedback Sessions, Annika is hosting this workshop to delve into the complexities of feedback, emphasizing care-fullness and help-fullness as ingredients for dialogue and knowledge sharing.

Throughout the workshop, we will talk about our experiences with giving and receiving feedback, explore different perspectives, try out tools and methods, and find our own. By reimagining feedback as a collaborative and enabling process, Annika encourages makers, scenographers, teachers, performers, dramaturgs, audiences, and anyone interested, to find their own way with feedback as part of an artistic process.

About Annika Hilger

Annika Hilger (they/them) is a dramaturg based between the Netherlands and Germany, currently graduating from MA International Dramaturgy at UvA. With a focus on bodies as a mode of re/membering, their practice and research revolve around alternative feedback methods in artistic processes, particularly through the concept of organic dramaturgy—a framework that challenges the role of the "outside eye" in feedback processes. Annika's work aims to create spaces for care-full and help-full involvement in artistic processes, fostering empathy and mutual support among participants.


host, idea and concept Annika Hilger