The Visit
vr 1 nov 202419:00 - 19:45Zaal 3De Constant Rebecqueplein 20A
vrije plaatskeuze Normaal € 16,50 Jongeren t/m 30 jaar € 12,50 -
vr 1 nov 202421:00 - 21:45Zaal 3De Constant Rebecqueplein 20A
vrije plaatskeuze Normaal € 16,50 Jongeren t/m 30 jaar € 12,50
In a room with scattered traces of a party, the audience is welcomed through a laptop by an absent performer. After a short introduction, they are invited to switch off the lights, turn around their chairs and sit with their backs to the computer. For the rest of the performance they will listen in the dark, following texts, sound, lights and shadow as they travel through the room.
The Visit was developed within the ‘Vision with/out Image’ framework as Pablo Fontdevila's artistic project at the Master in Theater, Toneelacademie Maastricht.
Bekijk ook
concept, text, lighting/visuals, scenography, performance Pablo Fontdevila
original music and sound production Abel Kroon
sound and dramaturgical advice Nahuel Cano
with thanks to Konstantina Georgelou, Igor Dobricic, Elisa Zuppini, Anouke de Groot, Daphne Jonas, Bart van den Eynde, Anne de Loos and Master in Theater (Toneelacademie Maastricht)
research phase supported by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds / Horizon